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Barry Siskind

Community Manager


Time is money…so the saying goes. So, if the time you are spending right now were focused on planning, managing and troubleshooting, you would be more profitable.


Yet according to a survey by, the average employee admits to wasting about 25% of their time. That’s two hours out of every eight hour day not including meals and breaks.


In an article called “Ten Ways to Get More Work Done,” the staff at Forbes list some good and practical techniques to reclaim some of that lost time. The ten include:  beware of multi-tasking, tame your inbox, clear your mind, eliminate unnecessary meetings, learn to say no, swear off social media, make lists, set up a system, clear off your desk, make use of the time you save.


These ten are just common sense – right? Well if that’s so why aren’t we all wasting less time.


Pass this article along to you staff. It’s worth the time.