Posted by

Barry Siskind

Community Manager

A recent survey by UK based Areiso, a form that advises mobile operators; found that “extreme” users account for one percent of the total number of cell phone users. What is interesting about this study for fair organizers is that sixty-four percent of users were on a laptop, one third used a Smartphone while the balance used an ipad.

While many organizers have adapted to wireless methods of promotion, it’s important to understand the impact of the numbers of users. For example is your target audience is made up of “extreme” users or are they mostly using their laptop. We make a lot of assumptions, but upon closer look, we may need to modify what we do.

Reading gross numbers such as, there are 6.1 billion cell phones on the planet today may be deceiving when you go a bit further and realize that only 13.2 % are smart phones.

My suggestion is to conduct research into the specifics of your attendees and exhibitors. You may want to ask about the frequency of mobile usage rather than simply asking whether they use one or not.