Posted by

Barry Siskind

Community Manager

No one in our industry would dare be without a web-site. The creation and maintenance of an on-line presence is part of the cost of doing business in the 21st century.

Many consultants offer valuable information on how to improve your web-content but I recently came across an article that focused on a different issue – speed.

A study of travel sites found that 57% of users will abandon the site after 3 seconds. What was really interesting about these results is that the average page download time is 10 seconds. Research has proven that a one second increase in load time resulted in:

11% fewer page views

16% decrease in customer satisfaction

7% reduction in conversations

In another study by Forrester, on-line customers will increase their spending by 62% in the next three years.

It warrants having a discussion with your IT people about the speed of your web-site.