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Barry Siskind
UFI’s Community Manager

From April 8 – 10 UFI’s ICT and Operations & Services Focus Meetings will be held in Poznan, Poland. Simon Naudi, Managing Director, Answers Training International Ltd, will be presenting a session titled, What are the Key Changes in the Mind-set and Behaviour of Buyers and Attendees? This is a topic that has received a lot of attention these last few years. I thought it would be helpful to understand Simon’s perspective in advance of his presentation.


How have the attitudes of attendees’ toward exhibitions changed in the past 5-10 years?


The recession has altered not only how people buy but it has affected the very premise behind this – their motives. They need to do more with less and have the ability to justify it. There seems to be a dislike of all things ‘old’ or traditional and they are looking for more engaging ways to deliver their results. Much more analysis is taking place and pre-show planning and input is vital.


What is the impact generational dynamics play in these changes?


Ultimately my generation is thinking about how to make social media work for them and how to leverage the communities that use it. My children’s generation instinctively know how to use it and manage to arrange face to face contacts. It’s not just another marketing tool it has become one of the main methods to use.

You can see the whole agenda at