UFI Updates

Is the industry truly back yet? Or where are we actually headed…

For many of us event organizers, venue managers, service providers, or even just event attendees and exhibitors, taking that first step back into an exhibition or conference hall felt like coming home. And in the past few years, the excitement and thrill of once again meeting-up with old colleagues and business partners face-to-face can give the illusion that everything is “back to normal” and “business is as usual”.

Regional spotlight: How is inflation impacting on North American exhibition organizations?

There’s no doubt that inflationary pressures and supply chain issues are real in the U.S. and around the globe. How are North American exhibition organizers dealing these economic headwinds? We spoke with three UFI members who are leading exhibition organizers in North America to find out how they are creating a game plan to address these rapidly evolving challenges.

Five Summertime Suggestions for the Exhibit Floor

As many of us are gearing up to head out [...]

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