UFI Blog – The platform for the Exhibition Industry
UFI brings together those who build, maintain, and support the world’s market places: trade show organisers, venue owners and operators, service providers, and national as well as international associations of our industry. The UFI Blog shares the voices of industry professionals around the globe. We invite you to become part of the community, supply your comments and share your ideas. Enjoy reading – Your UFI team
5 trends to watch in 2025
2024 will go into the history books as the best year the global exhibition industry has ever recorded, measured by revenues—topping out an astonishing comeback after the global pandemic. Investors remain eager to put money into our industry’s core business model of connecting people for trade and innovation, but the future will see challenges escalate, existing developments pick up speed, and complexities grow.
Letter from the UFI President: December 2024
I am extremely happy and honoured to address you all, our global UFI community which really is the global exhibition community – as I assume the Presidency of UFI for the coming year.
Update from the CEO: December 2024
It is time to thank - you. Each and every one of you. For reading these short texts regularly over the years. Since 2015, I have penned around 100 of these CEO updates, reporting on UFI activities and developments as well as sharing some thoughts around issues that impact our industry and ourselves.
Thailand’s Soft Power Shines at Exhibition Industry Summit
Improving urban quality of life and mobility requires collaboration between the private and public sectors to prevent widening inequality.
In focus, with the Digital Innovation Award finalists
This year’s UFI Digital Innovation Award put a spotlight on technological advances by innovators who push the boundaries of our industry.
Letter from the UFI President: November 2024
My last two columns here carried big UFI staff news, respectively: Chris Skeith will take over as UFI’s CEO on January 1, 2025, and Kai Hattendorf will leave UFI after a decade in the CEO’s chair (or, for a fair share of that, an airplane seat).
Update from the CEO: November 2024
Brands trigger emotions. We are used to the way something looks, and we value familiarity. At the same time, the world continues to change, and brands need to change with them. It is a case of “running to stand still” if you don’t want to be left behind.
Behind-the-scenes of UFI’s Brand Refresh: An Interview with CEO Kai Hattendrof
UFI’s previous logo and brand identity were introduced early into this century when UFI underwent a major repositioning. Back then, the brand’s redesign was all about supporting UFI’s growing global reach and role.
Thailand is set for Urban QOL & Mobility Growth
Improving urban quality of life and mobility requires collaboration between the private and public sectors to prevent widening inequality.