Thailand’s food and beverage (F&B) industry is a critical part of its economy, driven by diverse stakeholders, including manufacturers, suppliers, retailers, policymakers, and consumers. The industry thrives on innovation, quality, and sustainability. For these stakeholders, exhibitions play a key role in supporting business growth, driving collaboration, and promoting industry-wide advancement.

From the perspective of manufacturers and suppliers, Thailand offers immense potential as a production hub. The government’s supportive policies, under the “8 ignite Thailand” strategy, incentivize investment in advanced food processing technologies, sustainability, and value-added food products.

These policies align with global market trends, positioning Thailand to compete in both regional and international markets. For instance, THAIFEX-Anuga Asia serves as a key exhibition for 1,935 trade mission buyers and international hosted buyers. Notably, 88 hosted buyers participated in 1,570 business meetings with exhibitors, resulting in an estimated total of $2.624 billion in orders.

Retailers and consumers benefit from exhibitions by gaining exposure to emerging trends and new products, helping them meet evolving demands. Policymakers, meanwhile, use these events to promote Thailand’s global F&B positioning, contributing to a 95% satisfaction rate among THAIFEX-Anuga Asia exhibitors, ensuring the country remains a leading force in Southeast Asia’s thriving F&B ecosystem.