I have been walking fairs for nearly a quarter of a century and I still get excited each time I do. It’s the energy and the glitz and glamour that keep me coming back for more. It’s especially interesting to watch during set up, sometimes from the vantage point of a balcony of mezzanine. Beneath me I see the organized chaos of hundreds of people scurrying around, forklift trucks lifting wooden boxes and empty spaces being converted into showpieces. Each piece of the jigsaw puzzle magically comes together before my eyes.

Watching your event from a birds-eye perspective and see if you aren’t impressed. But, you don’t have to keep this excitement your little secret. My guess is that lots of your customers might really enjoy seeing the sights and sounds of a trade fair even if they can’t attend. Social media can give your customers a taste of what they can expect when they attend or what they have missed when they can’t.

Have you seen good examples of trade fairs or trade fair exhibitors that have posted videos or information on sites such as You Tube, Twitter, Facebook or any others? Please let us know.