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Barry Siskind

Community Manager

The ups and downs in the life of an exhibition organizer can affect his or her emotional as well as physical health. For some people it is the only life they can imagine. For others it is a struggle balancing a myriad of responsibilities while keeping an upbeat attitude.  The question we all need to take a moment to ask is “Am I happy doing what I am doing?”

It’s not a question to be taken lightly. During the past few years we have faced several challenges and for some it’s been a matter of just keeping your head above the water line. So, until the next crisis hits, let’s take advantage of the temporary reprieve and do a little soul searching.

According to University of Illinois psychologist Ed Diener, editor of the Journal of Happiness Studies, “There is no one key to happiness, but there are several important elements.”

1. Family and Friends.

The wider and deeper the relationships you have with those around you the better. Research suggests that friendship can ward off germs. Our brain controls many of the mechanisms in our body that are responsible for disease. Just as stress can trigger ill health, it is thought that friendship and happiness can have a protective effect.

2. Marriage.

Marriage is also important. According to research, the positive effects of marriage add an average of seven years to the life of a man and four years to a woman.

3. A sense of meaning.

A belief in something bigger from religion, spirituality, or a philosophy of life can contribute to happiness.

4. Goals.

Having goals that you are working toward and that you also find enjoyable embedded in your short and long-term plans is an element of happiness.

5. Meaningful work.

Spending a third to half of your life doing something you feel good about. This means knowing that you are making a difference as well as having an opportunity to display your competencies.

What the psychologists seem to agree on is that when you do something thinking it will make you happy it seldom works. Why? Because we are very bad at predicting the future. So the trick is to lead a well balanced life and rather than pursuing happiness find ways of living happy every day.

We all know how difficult it is to find a balance when trade events interfere with your daily routine. The trick is to think about how you can continue to do what you do and at the same time mitigate the effect of everyday business pressures. You will be happy you did.