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Barry Siskind

Community Manager

I recently participated in a meeting where we were reviewing a list of issues exhibitors raised in responding to a survey. At first I wasn’t all that surprised at the responses. They ranged from selecting a display to cost savings to R.O.I. What struck me was that 25 years ago, when I first joined this industry, I was hearing the same thing. Has nothing changed in the minds of the exhibitors?

Skip Cox, President of Exhibit Surveys suggested that the larger exhibitors had made a shift and were using their exhibition program to engage customer and potential customers in mutually beneficial problem solving. That made good sense to me, but, in terms of sheer numbers, the small to medium size exhibitors still look to their exhibition program to generate leads and make sales.

In a word where social media is breaking down barriers between buyer and seller and creating communities of like minded individuals, it would seem to me that the exhibition industry is on the verge of reinventing itself and its role in the marketing/sales/communication programs of corporations worldwide. Will the action of larger exhibitors be sufficient to open the eyes of the small and mid size exhibitors?

What role should organizers play?