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Barry Siskind
Community Manager
I was reading an article in Financial Times titled The Ten Things Everyone Should Know about Science.
Writer Clive Cookson looked at ten basic scientific principles and discussed what they mean to us and why they matter. His list included such principles as evolution, relativity, the big bang and quantum mechanics.
The article got me thinking. When I first began my career, nearly thirty years ago, many exhibitors viewed organizers as glorified estate agents whose only interest was renting space. Conversely organizers, perhaps out of mistrust, kept their strategies and techniques close to their chest.
The world of exhibitions has changed in the past three decades and I thought it might be interesting to ask you all if you would help me create a list called the Ten Things Everyone Should Know about Exhibitions. I am really interested in hearing your suggestions.
The final list will appear in a future UFI blog.
1. Exhibition value is directly proportional to industry maturity.
2. Successful exhibiting begins and ends with strategy
3. Exhibitions are the face-to-face glue that binds and personalizes marketing messages and programs
4. Attendee sacrifice must always be considered; what is easy for the attendee is best for the attendee
5. No longer can tradeshows be considered as isolated but integrated into an overall marketing program strategy
6. Exhibition food is terrible; unless you’re attending the FMI or NRA shows
7. There is a market for “exhibition” clothing
8. Exhibitions must evolve in response to the aging population and evolving communication preferences of the Digital Native
9. Adaptive architecture will be the norm of the future, not the exception.
10. Exhibitions are the playground for professional learning
Great list Christopher – Thanks
I wish I would have came across this post earlier. I’ve been looking for this kind of info, but it’s a little late for my needs. I’ll bookmark your blog because I’m enjoying reading it! Thanks again!