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Barry Siskind
UFIs Community Manager

US based Expo Magazine recently published their first ever “Exhibitor Trends Survey” and the results are worth noting.

The survey looked at 16 factors that affect exhibitor’s perception and use of exhibitions.

The top three reasons for exhibiting were to increase sales (78%), increase brand awareness (76%) and gather leads (74%).

But, when asked how senior management viewed the role of exhibit marketing, only 23% reported it as “an essential role in the marketing mix.”

In addition to this poor perception, the survey uncovered more troublesome findings. In response to the question “how much the 2013 exhibit budget grew or shrunk compared to 2012”, the response indicated an average growth of 1.3% while the amount of space booked shrunk by -0.8%.

If the results are correct, I believe that we, as an industry, still have a of of work ahead of us promoting and proving the value of exhibitions.