Posted by
Barry Siskind
UFI’s Community Manager

Undoubtedly you are aware that your exhibitor’s marketing budgets for exhibitions has been eroding. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that the marketing budgets are shrinking rather it may indicate that money is being funneled from exhibitions to digital advertising and social media. Ask any marketer if Facebook is an integral part of their strategy and they might answer an overwhelming ‘yes.’

A recent post on blog suggests that the notion that Facebook works best to acquire new customers may be a fallacy. What the author is challenging is the assumption that ads plus views equal sales.  Yet, the author states that people are sixteen times more likely to buy when a product is recommended by a friend, a person of influence or someone who is perceived expert. 

What the author is suggesting is that there are eight forms of marketing that produce a valid ROI for the marketer. Number one on the list is events which are filled with influential people and product experts.

Read this post and I’m sure it will give you an additional compelling argument to include events in your ongoing exhibitor promotion.
