Posted by Barry Siskind
UFI’s Community Manager

The changing role of engineers can be thought of using a variation of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The bottom rung is technology followed by safety, sustainability and at the top Global Social Implications.

The engineering community has raised the sustainability challenge and we have witnessed changes in government, industry and consumer behaviours at national and regional levels throughout the world. We have electric powered cars, hybrid fuels, reduced emissions in factories and waste diversion. We have seen many changes in our industry including most everything from reusable carpets to low energy lighting.

Where do we go from here? On March 11, 2015, in Hong Kong, as part of the UFI Sustainability Focus Meeting there will be an meeting called “Winning Strategies for Sustainability in the event industry: Let’s work together.”

During this meeting participants will hear from industry colleagues around the globe who have made huge strides in the area of sustainability. Over the next few months I will contact these speakers and post their comments to give you a preview of what’s in store.

Check out the agenda and see if it may be of interest to you or someone in your organization.