Posted by

Barry Siskind

UFILive Community Manager

 In an age of instant messaging we sometimes forget that face to face meetings can change the world we live in.  

 I read an interesting article, 10 Meetings That Rocked The World, Here author Jason Hensel lists 10 face to face meetings, including Marco Polo meeting Kublai Khan and John Lennon meeting Paul McCarthy, and how these meetings put in motion events that quite literally changed history.

 When we get caught up in day to day challenges such as  the economy, changing demographics, exhibitor concerns, new facilities and an increasing number of rules and regulations, its a rare opportunity to step back for a moment to see the big picture.

 What we in the exhibition business do is important. We facilitate face to face meetings which at the time may seem insignificant, but can over the long term produce awesome results.

 Let us know about the face to face meetings you have had that have changed the course of your business.