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Barry Siskind

Community Manager


Writing for the Harvard Business Review, David Armano, Senior Vice President at Edelman Digital, the interactive arm of global communications firm Edelman, predicts six changes in social media to watch for:

Integration.   2011 will be the year that companies who have adopted a social media presence will “take a serious look at integrating social media, not only regionally but globally.”


Affordable technology. Technology consumers will come one step closer to being connected 24/7, and in more powerful ways than previously possible. “Social networking will be on the go, out of the house, and out of the office.”


Facebook and local based networking. Facebook is well positioned to actually make location based services useful to business.


Social Media Schizophrenia. The average users will need to manage and cope with the vast amount of information they receive on Twitter, Facebook, G-mail, chat, Skype, BBM, SMS, and Tumble across the social web.

Google on top. “It’s possible that by sticking to what Google does best, they may be able to take advantage of the social web by indexing any and all social data they can get their hands on.”


Social Functionality back in fashion. Websites will increasingly serve as “digital hubs” that integrate social activity from many platforms.


Read the entire article at.