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Barry Siskind

Community Manager

Katarina Hamma, Executive Director, Capital Shows, Messe München will be one of the speakers at the upcoming UFI open seminar in Ghent. The title of her presentation is “How to become a global leader; the example of BAUMA.”

I had a chance to ask her a few questions in anticipation of her presentation.

Barry: How important was BAUMA’s brand in achieving world recognition?

Katarina: Of course, when you establish a trade fair, you always intend to create a leading event with worldwide recognition. However, you do not like arrange all marketing activities in order to achieve this goal only. BAUMA has been growing steadily over the years and parallel to its growth, the fair gained more and more importance. So, I think that BAUMA’s growth is accompanied by its recognition worldwide. Through this development, the “brand BAUMA” not only was generated but also established itself.

Barry: What are the key lessons other trade fair organizers can learn from BAUMA’s success?

Katarina: I think that the example of BAUMA shows clearly that a brand trade fair can be strengthened by establishing branch events abroad in the right place at the right time. By doing so, we did not only develop BAUMA further but also gained new business opportunities.

Barry: How do you maintain the relevance of BAUMA in a world of constant change?

Katarina: A trade fair is not static – it’s developing all the time. For BAUMA – as for many other fairs of Messe München, we are in a constant exchange with associations, partners and exhibitors in order to ensure that the show concept stays close to the interests and needs of the industry.

You can hear Katarina’s entire presentation when you attend the UFI Open Seminar in Ghent, June 21-22, http://ghent2011.ufi.