Posted by
Barry Siskind
UFI’s Community Manager

The issue of what to do with all the data we in the MICE industry have at our disposal has been the topic of many presentations at UFI events and posts here at

Recently I found an interesting post on The Exhibition Industry Newsfeed, by blogger Traci Browne. Traci’s thesis is that the use of data is linked to new opportunities to enhance our visitors’ experiences.

She begins by suggesting that we can learn from retailers who have gone to great lengths to give their customers an unforgettable level of experience. Then using retail as a model, she explains how we can harness the power of mobile technology to deliver experiences to our delegates and visitors.

For example, rather than having a single banner on the event app, she suggests “what if you could give sponsors the opportunity to deliver specific content based on the interests and needs of each particular attendee?” This personalized approach might encourage the recipient to register for a particular key-note, visit certain exhibitors or book rooms at particular hotels.

This personalized marketing approach is possible when we use the data that we have in ways that may have not been possible in the past. This also opens the door to new revenue streams from sponsors and advertisers.