UFI President Mary Larkin

Dear colleagues and friends,

The value of Pre-Competitive Collaboration is as important as ever and is visible more and more every day in our industry.

Even in normal times, we in the exhibition and events industry are unique in how much information we share with each other. In these turbulent times, the collaboration among companies has risen to a new level, which is truly inspirational. Sharing information on best practices on how to reopen the doors to events, from venues to organizers, will be key in ensuring the strong future of the industry.

Pre-competitive collaboration is the only way we, as an industry, can host events that are safe for our customers, vendors and employees, and deliver the top marketing tool that will be critical in the post- pandemic economic recovery.

Pre-competitive collaboration fosters innovation, and there is no time like the present for our industry to discuss new ideas that will turn our present challenges into future opportunities. Events will be the fastest way forward and the best vehicle for business solutions as we move towards a new normal.

We have often discussed the challenges we face in trying to highlighting the benefits of our industry in the product marketing mix, making the world aware of how broad exhibitions are, and recruiting new talent to the wonderful careers the industry provides.

Unfortunately, during this time of crisis, our industry has been highlighted as a casualty of COVID-19, and many of you have been called on to speak about it.

In the spirit of creating an opportunity out of a crisis, I challenge all of us to promote our industry at every opportunity and to ensure that everyone knows the role we play in an economic recovery. The first opportunity to do that is on 3 June – Global Exhibitions Day!

There are many ways we can highlight the financial benefit we provide to global economies. I encourage everyone to get involved. Contact the UFI staff for ideas and stay tuned to information promoting GED! There is no time like the

Best regards,

Mary Larkin, UFI President