New approaches to exhibition organization
We may tinker a bit with the formula but for the most part, other than the industry specific stuff, they look remarkable similar.
We may tinker a bit with the formula but for the most part, other than the industry specific stuff, they look remarkable similar.
The ups and downs in the life of an exhibition organizer can affect his or her emotional as well as physical health. For some people it is the only life they can imagine. For others it is a struggle balancing a myriad of responsibilities while keeping an upbeat attitude. The question we all need to take a moment to ask is “Am I happy doing what I am doing?”
If we are to attract and retain quality exhibitors then perhaps we need to open a discussion around various pricing strategies in the industry.
If people are positively affected by suggestion then does this provide us with a clue as to how we should be promoting our events or even communicating with our exhibitors and staff?
Posted by Barry Siskind Community Manager The phrase Unique Selling [...]
Posted by Barry Siskind Community Manager In an age when [...]
When I read magazines that focus on marketing issues there is usually not much more than a passing reference to exhibitions as a legitimate member of the marketing community
Posted by Barry Siskind Community Manager Did the recession push [...]
Posted by Barry Siskind UFILive Community Manager This title sounds [...]
Posted by Barry Siskind Community Manager The New York Times [...]