Posted by

Barry Siskind

Community Manager


Seasoned organizers have learned over the years the toll that doing the job well causes on our physical bodies. It’s tough maintaining a regular physical program for our bodies to stay healthy particularly in the midst of move-in and move-out and all the other times when we are working at our peak.


The same can be said for your exhibitors and attendees. Participating in your event has business benefits but the cost is often taken out on their physical health – they eat badly and don’t exercise.


Well-chosen hotels can often provide a good solution. They will have exercise gymnasiums or swimming pools. But my guess is that only a small percentage of your staff and the people associated with your event will take advantage these facilities.


What are the benefits of maintaining a regular exercise routine during the fair hours? Eric Siu, Vice President of SEO at Evergreen Search Marketing wrote an interesting posting on the five key benefits which are: Focus, New ideas, Confidence, Discipline and Stress Relief. These are five things that will definitely increase the overall impact of your event and therefore it would seem to warrant your attention to the physical well-being of your participants.


This can be accomplished by including on-the floor exercise classes, nutrition breaks, sport related activities (in addition to golf), complementary access to hotel exercise rooms, etc. You can see that my list is only a beginning. With a bit of thought I am sure you can come up with other health related activities that your participants (and staff) will appreciate.


Have any of you undertaken a unique approach to the care of your participants well-being? Let me know.