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Barry Siskind

UFIs Community Manager

 Young people, who are often referred to as Gen Y’s or Millennials, are bright and optimistic. The future of our exhibitions and events lies in the hands of these 20-30 something’s. The question is “How do we pass along messages they will read and respond to?”

 Entrepreneur magazine’s associate editor Kathleen Davis published a piece entitled  Five Secrets to Communicating Effectively with Millennials.

 Entrepreneur magazine’s associate editor Kathleen Davis published a piece from Mental-floss co-founder Will Pearson entitled Five Secrets to Communicating Effectively with Millennials.

 1. Compliment the Millennials intelligence.
Millennials are smart, ambitious and tend to set goals earlier than their patents did.

2. Lighted up your messages.

Millennials don’t want to be serious all the time. Lighten up with personal anecdotes or just be genuine about what you are trying to communicate.

3. Be flexible. 
Flexibility is the only way to reach a group of individuals who tend to switch between electronic devices up to 27 times an hour.

4. Get them engaged.
Millennials are engaged when they are encouraged to share their opinions on issues they care about.

5. Focus on value.
Although Millennials appear to download a number of things such as music and videos, for free, they do respond best to things that have value.

 These are five solid suggestions that you should consider when communicating to this growing group of decision makers.