Posted by
Barry Siskind
UFIs Community Manager
Clemi Hardie of the US based event technology company Noodle Live, wrote an interesting blog posting titled, The great event technology debate.
She had two important points that all organizers and facilities should take note of:
The first addressed the availability of fast, stable and secure Wi-Fi at an exhibition facility. According to Hardie this is an absolute essential and should be made available by facilities at no cost.
The second issue related to other technologies that are common at exhibitions. She classified them in two categories, disruptive and enabling.
– Disruptive technology disconnects you from the Barcode scanners and QR codes which force the user to break eye contact with the exhibitor.
– Enabling technologies as RFID and NEF help attendees digest more information with less thought so they are able to focus their attention on the exhibitor.

Both issues raised are important and should not be ignored.