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Barry Siskind
UFI’s Community Manager

Targeting the right visitors is possible only when we have good data. Michael Fretter, Managing Director of Reed Exhibitions Deutschland understands the problem with data all too much. At this year’s International Summer University (ISU) which will be held from June 4 – 6 in Cologne, Michael will address this issue in his presentation titled, “Targeting Visitors – Conceptual and Practical Approach.”

In advance of his presentation I asked him a few questions:


What are the most important profile characteristics an organizer should be gathering from their visitors?


My credo is KYC – Know your customer. It doesn’t matter if you are running a consumer show or a B2B event. Knowing does not mean, just having an address list. In addition to the basic address information at B2B shows its key to have concrete information about company size, revenue, etc. This information is not easy to collect, but it’s crucial to get detailed insights of the visitors. This means talking to your visitor groups.


Can organizers be too specific when targeting groups of visitors?


From today’s perspective, we have to be more specific. The better we understand visitor demands, the easier it is to approach them and the higher the likelihood is that they will
visit the fair. We also have to make sure that the data we collect is relevant for visitor marketing.

The theme of this year’s ISU is “Visitor Revolution – Targeting, Motivating and Satisfying the 21st Century Visitor.” To see the entire agenda, please click here: