Posted by

Barry Siskind

Community Manager



At a recent conference that I attended one panellist, a large multi-national exhibitor, expressed her wariness at approaching organizers with new initiatives she wanted to pursue that she felt would add value, content and possibly an increase in the audience. Her experience was that show organizers saw these initiatives as an excuse to charge an additional fee for sponsorship.


I am not sure this is an issue you have experienced. The only way you might know for sure would be to survey your exhibitors.


But, let’s suppose there is some reluctance on your exhibitors part to make suggestions because they believe it will result in further costs (which, with budgets being the way they are these days they cannot afford). Does this point to greater opportunities that organizers might be missing by focussing on the short-term fee versus the long-term potential to increase the audience?


Let me know what you think.