Posted by
Barry Siskind
UFIs Community Manager

I remember early in my career being asked, “What did you accomplish today?” It was a reasonable question then but in today’s fast moving totally connected world a better question might be, “What did you accomplish in the last five minutes?”

In an age where every minute seems to count, saving time on little things should make a big difference.

New York Times Technology Journalist, David Pogue posted a blog titled, Ten Tips for the Basic Computer User.”

One tip that he says most users are not aware of is to double-click a word to highlight it in any document, e-mail or Web page on your computer or Smartphone rather than scrolling over the word.

The other nine are also small subtle tips but if you consider how many times you use your computer or Smartphone each day, small changes can result in big time savings.

If you find that reading his blog takes too long, watch Pogue list his ten tips in an interesting five minute and forty five second TED talk.