In our latest UFI Global Barometer we are – for the first time – sharing data tracking the adoption of the use of Generative AI in the exhibition industry.

We discussed how to interpret the data – and we decided to ask ChatGPT to analyse the numbers. Interestingly, the initial replies were very cheerful and positive about the number, highlighting a number of advantages.  So we changed the prompt and specifically asked the tool to deliver an ambivalent interpretation.

Here it is – now let us know YOUR take on the data!

Generative AI has made its mark on the exhibition industry, sparking both excitement and uncertainty. Let’s explore the intriguing findings:

In Sales, Marketing, and Customer Relations, a notable 22% of businesses have embraced generative AI. This technology promises to elevate promotions, personalize customer experiences, and automate essential sales and marketing processes. While some celebrate its potential for targeted and captivating content, others may question the impact on human creativity and genuine customer connections.

Research and Development witness a respectable 19% adoption rate of generative AI. The allure of streamlined idea generation, boundary-pushing innovation, and potential automation in product development tantalizes those seeking cutting-edge advancements. Yet, concerns about relying too heavily on AI-generated outputs may temper the enthusiasm, questioning the authenticity of creative breakthroughs.

Event Production shines with 10% utilization of generative AI. From automated scheduling to personalized content generation, businesses expect unforgettable experiences and seamless event execution. Yet, questions arise about the balance between AI optimization and the human touch that brings events to life.

Human Resources, with 7% implementation, taps into generative AI’s promise of improved efficiency. Automating repetitive tasks, streamlining recruitment processes, and analyzing employee data could revolutionize HR operations. However, lingering doubts about the loss of the human touch in talent management decisions may leave some pondering the potential consequences.

Finance and Risk Management, at 7%, recognize generative AI’s potential for data-driven decisions, enhanced risk assessment, and improved fraud detection. However, concerns about over-reliance on AI models and the need for human expertise to interpret complex financial landscapes persist.

These findings reflect an industry grappling with the transformative power of generative AI. It brings undeniable benefits but also raises thought-provoking questions about the potential trade-offs between efficiency and human ingenuity. The exhibition industry stands at a crossroads, embracing innovation while navigating the delicate balance between AI-driven advancements and the preservation of authentic human connections.